May 13, 2024
North Palm Beach Country Club, 6:30 PM
Join Us to celebrate the Newly Installed Officers
2024 Scholarship Winners
NCCWSL Attendee
Jane Wattick will continue her two year term until 2025 as President and and Shirley Koo as vice president for program for 2023-2025 at the upcoming dinner. We are announcing new officers: VP for Membership, Liz Shapiro; Treasurer Cheryll Plotkin; and Co-Secretaries Mary Jane Saunders and Doris Noble s at the spring dinner.
Every year since 1967, our branch has honored a member by giving a donation in her name to an AAUW National Fund. The honoree is announced at our spring dinner.
The 2024 Named Honoree was Doris Noble.
A program managed by AAUW Florida provides a way for a branch to recognize members for their achievements. The number of awards that can be given is determined by the total contributions that branch members make to AAUW National Funds. We awaiting knowing the names of these honorees.
At the dinner, last year, we also met our new NCCWSL attendee, and Doris Karlik Scholarship winners who are able to attend. In 2023 we awarded scholarships to eight Palm Beach County women receiving a $1,000 award. Click here to read about last years winners in our May Branch Out.
2023 Photos:
newsletter. 2
3 1. Jane Wattick incoming President
2. Shirley Koo, VP Programs with outgoing President Gloria Kaplan
3. Our National Conference for College Women Student Leadership representative, Calysta Setterberg with her mother.
4. Scholarship winner, Grace Cram with Doris Karlik
5. Shawn Woods and Wendy Plotkin
6. Shawn Woods, Suzanne Herzing, Doris Karlik, Liz Shapiro
7. Shirley Koo and Judy Pierman
8. Marion Knapp and dauther
9. Scholarship Winner Grace Cram with MJ Sauders, Scholarship Chair
10. Liz Shapiro
11. Gloria Kaplan, David Kaplan and wife
12. Carol Renick and Judy Pierman
13. Calyssa Setterberg and Mother with Wendy Plotkin
Photos by Wendy Plotkin